Thursday, May 24, 2012

Waiting and Accounting

I can't really do much more about the kitchen.  The walls will be finished today.  The painting on Tuesday--Monday is a holiday, and the cabinets installed on's getting to be a little like waiting for Christmas morning!

The electrical work is finished..and due to some wiring issues beyond anyone's control...I had my first real surprise with the budget.  Thankfully I had planned for a few surprises.

Let's talk about the budget for a moment.

My process went something like this.
I studied the appliances first and got a price to put on paper.

Next came the cabinets.  I got a couple of prices, for stock cabinets, and custom cabinets.  I talked with a kitchen designer at the big box store locally and she estimated the cost of the cabinets while looking at the drawing I had.  And I visited the cabinet shop with the same plans and also got a price on just the cabinets.

Counter top exploration came next.  I have chosen a marble.  Yes, it's a bit of a splurge.  But one that will really give my small space some wow factor!  Along with the counter top I chose the sink and added the cost.

Next, Lacey estimated the cost for the electrical and carpentry, and painting etc.  I added about 10% to the estimate.

I priced the cost of the tile and the installation and the faucet.  Ok, I splurged a little on the faucet..but heck, what is the one thing you probably put your hands on every day in your kitchen.  The water faucet!  So I got a nice one.

It does't take long for the amount of money to add matter what the budget!   So as I have started paying the bills I have kept a running tally of where I am in the process.  I have a list now of what's left to pay for and as I pay a bill I cross it off my list--and add it to the paid list.  It's a simple thing, but one that is working for me. i can see what I have spent, and what's left in the budget and I can tell how much if any I am over and under my estimates on things.   Oh yes, and there is a separate check book for this project..I have a budget and I am sticking to it!  So far!

FWIW.  It's really easy to get caught up in all the cool things that are out there. At first I was all about the microwave over the stove and the stainless hood all attached.  When you have lived with 20 year old decrepit  appliances your eyes light up at the sight of new and shiny. (I think the appliance sales people know this.) It's kind of like seeing a big piece of chocolate cheese cake when you've been on a diet.  You feel deprived and want to really go for it all whether or not you need it or really even want it!

After getting the price of all my appliances and coming home and continuing to think about the kitchen it dawned on me...I don't really use a microwave all that much. The over the stove combination microwave and vent hood with the pretty stainless hood are glitzy and expensive.  Then I thought about exactly how I use the microwave.  I defrost some things in it, pop some popcorn and steam some vegetables in it.  I didn't really need an expensive microwave for those tasks.  I also talked to a coworker who told me that she didn't really like opening hers to get things of it.  She was always afraid she would spill the contents on her because you have to pull things out from above a natural height for your arms.  So I opted out of the expensive microwave. Mine will be inside my pantry and I am going to pick one up at the Home Depot or Lowe's.  A plug has been installed and the cabinet will be just at my level.  And my cabinet maker has given me the sizes I can look for.

When I opted out of the overhead microwave and stove I had to choose another vent system.  I was told by the appliance salesman that "everyone" uses the self venting hoods now. "That's all we sell anymore.  All you have to do is change the filter every so often and it works great."  I asked about one that vented out of the house. I was told, "No one really uses those anymore."  So I went home to ponder this  and I talked with the guy who installs them.  He let it slip that the self venting ones are much, much easier to install.  So, no wonder that's what "everyone" uses.  That is what they like to sell.  I really like the idea of the food odors leaving the house.  I am a southern cook...and I do fry okra on occasion!  So we are going the distance to put in a hood that vents outside.  It will be vented out into the carport.  I realize some people wouldn't do this..but the one I have now does and it doesn't bother me to have the vent where I can see it in the carport. It's a carport, not my living room.

FWIW.  Take the time to think about what you are being told.  Just because "everyone" does it doesn't mean it's what you want. And don't get caught up in all the new and shiny

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