Sunday, May 6, 2012

Planning is the Secret Weapon

The work has begun on my project.  The tear out is done.  A doorway has been closed up, for the new pantry!  The sheet rock finishing is happening now.  The electrical plan is in place and the electrician is scheduled to start soon.  He's my neighbor and will be working on this on his days off.  So far so good. The cabinet man has been and done his measurements and marked where the electrical would go.  I have paid deposits on the cabinets and the counter top.

I thought I would spend a minute talking about how I worked through the design and planning for this little kitchen.

My daddy was a soldier and so much of who I am and how I approach things comes from what I learned from growing up as an Army Brat.  Soldiers plan--so I think by osmosis I learned to to plan years ago.   I also majored in Theater in college...and while I enjoy watching people do never was my thing.  I liked to rehearse my scenes over and over again.  All of that to I approached this project may not be how anyone else's just how I have done it.

I have mentioned the books and magazines I have looked at.  I also spent time just standing in the kitchen.  I would stand with a cup of coffee and just look and imagine myself in the space thinking about how I would like for it to function.  I also made lists.  Lists of wishes. Lists of what I didn't like about the way it was now. Lists of questions I would have about what might be possible or not.  

FWIW.   Do some serious thinking about your space.  Look at lots of photos.  Pay attention when you visit other people's kitchens.  But do what works for you.

Originally, I was thinking about the cabinets and what the kitchen would look like.  But over time I quit thinking about the look...and only thought about how the room worked and didn't work and what I could do to improve that for the lifestyle that I live.

So, how do I live?
I am a working woman whose nest is almost empty.
I am usually only home for breakfast and dinner.  I don't get home until usually 6 or after so preparing elaborate dinners during the week isn't my style.
The kitchen has to work for two people-as both my husband and I cook.
We don't entertain all that much...but have always wanted to.  Will we?  We'll see.
We usually have our families which can number up to 20+ for holiday meals...usually Easter and Thanksgiving.
We have enjoyed having large groups for informal hanging out.  Our entertaining usually includes the large deck that is accessible from the living room to the dining room. 
I don't care for the latest kitchen gadget things.  I love my food processor, and blender (for smoothies)  but have no need for a George Foreman grill or a chocolate fountain.
I prefer cooking with fresh food and less canned goods.
I enjoy a good cup of coffee and hot tea.
My home isn't all that large.  Maybe only 2400 sq. feet.  We use every room.  And yes, we eat in the dinning room.  And yes, we are just as likely to take our take out food, put it on a plate and eat it in front of the television in the living room. 


  1. Yes, I have a comment. You should post more photos!

    1. Hi Syd...there isn't much to see at the moment...unless you want to see the mess in the house...wait..that might be a blog entry..
