Sunday, June 24, 2012

Moving In

Have you ever just opened your cabinets and drawers and looked at all the things we stuff in them? I believe it's part of our good old American philosophy of keeping stuff because we can. And maybe a little of listening to our grand parents talk about how they saved everything!  I packed up a lot of things that we had been storing for years.  Some of which was coated in layers of dust from non use.  I packed it up anyway and stacked boxes up in the living room when we started this project.  Now comes the hard part-deciding what will go back in the cabinets and it's going to take a while.

Have you noticed on HGTV the tiny cupboards (European word for cabinets that sounds so much better!)  and appliances that are in those houses and flats.  I think they are on to something that makes sense.  Why keep things you don't use? And why not keep only food that is going to be used! It's fresher and better for us...and it's got to be cheaper too!   I'm trying to go through all my things to see what is really used.  

Take for example the sweet little crystal parfait glasses that had been collecting dust on a high shelf in the old kitchen.  I don't remember the last time I made a parfait!  Will they stay or go?  If I decide I have to do parfaits I can always use a wine glass--and I know I won't be getting rid of the wine glasses!  Well, that's not quite true-- I am getting rid of a few that have been around since the 80's!  It's these kinds of decisions that I am making with the opening of each box of things.  It seems to be taking me a bit more time than I thought.  

When planning the kitchen I wanted a place to store all my fine china...yes, I do use my china.  Maybe it's a southern girl thing...but I like using the good stuff for more than just holidays.  I had originally stored them in some cabinets that were hard to reach. Then, in my last rearrangement of the kitchen the china moved to some open shelving in the dinning room that I was never pleased about.  Now, I have two sets of fine china stored in one of my drawers in the kitchen.

Ok, so back to work I go moving back in this kitchen!

FWIW..When planning the budget for the kitchen try to leave room for some trips to the organization store for some of the neat stuff you can use to organize things!  I have made only one trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond so far...but another one will happen today!

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